Meet Heather

“The power of movement is what helps me connect, express, and inspire”

— Heather Jeffries

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I am the sum of my parts.


When I created and led my first presentation skills workshop, I felt like I was coming home. It was as if my two worlds were no longer at odds but were in harmony. 

I went to drama school in NYC (NYU Tisch) and trained as an actor and director. I loved collaborating and creating new theatre pieces, and often it was led by movement & dance (I've danced my whole life). Cue moving to London to get my MFA in choreography where I co-founded a dance theatre company upon graduation. In tandem with my creative life, I spent 8 years in retail management at Anthropologie where I specialised in coaching & training.

My approach to presentation skills is a synthesis of these two worlds.

With roots firmly in theatre, I teach best practice and the fundamentals of confident presence - breath, body, voice - through exercises. We “rehearse” and practice and there is all important feedback and guidance along the way.

In my management career, I’ve developed techniques to help dozens of new managers find their feet and voice in business. My intuitive, individualised way of training, ensures the trainee - their goals, values & way of working - are embedded into how we work together.  

My work as a presentation skills coach is a natural progression of my commitment to developing the potential in others.

I believe cultivating confidence is a practice. And I believe it begins with aligning your breath, body and voice. I’ve seen the positive impact it’s made in my own life and career. Connecting to your audience from this place of empathy & authenticity amplifies your message. And when you are fully present, and truly heard, anything is possible for you and your business.

Find out about ways we can work together here.